Today we bring you a interview with Candy who is a old RP veteran and a afk/rl actor. Enjoy!
Thundercable: I decided to start my interviews with two super personal questions. Please feel free to skip them! What's your home country and your AFK/IRL gender?
Thundercable: I decided to start my interviews with two super personal questions. Please feel free to skip them! What's your home country and your AFK/IRL gender?
Thundercable: Is there a story to your character's name?
Candy: Not exactly. I just thought the idea of a tiny pink haired gnome, so innocent and cute, mowing down colossal monsters somewhat amusing, more so when in fact her name is "Candy".
Thundercable: You told us on the forums, that you just recently came back to WoW. What brought you back?
Candy: Nostalgic reasons, really. I recently got in touch with some of my WoW friends (via the use of other platforms) and it caused some really very happy memories to resurface. I decided I'd come back, and check out the game. I'm absolutely loving it! Whilst I'll have to go on a short break again, I am without doubt that I'll be back before the years out - and hopefully for longer.
Thundercable: How important is the RP aspect of WoW for you?
Candy: Extremely. Whilst I love PvE, and occasionally dabble in PvP now and then - I'm predominantly here for RP. I wouldn't have come back, otherwise. Raids get repetitive, whilst roleplay doesn't. There's always a new concept to try out, new friends to make, and the whole world to really experience and immerse yourself in. Warcraft has a lore alike no other, it's really quite wonderful.
Thundercable: How did you get into WoW RP in the first place?
Candy: I've played since late Burning Crusade, but had never heard of roleplay; although amusingly, I always did it, albeit pathetically, on my old server of Darkspear. Just before Cataclysm came out, I saw an advertisement for a Goblin RP guild. It was on Defias Brotherhood and really caught my interest. When Cata launched, I decided to investigate. They taught me the ropes, and the rest is history.
Thundercable: PvE WoW players allways praise the good old times. From a veteran perspective, is it the same way with RP?
Candy: Yes, and no. I suppose everyone looks back on the past with rose-tinted glasses. I've had some truly great fun with some of my older concepts, but I've found that it's rarely fruitful to recreate the past.
Whilst I'll miss roleplaying certain characters and with certain people in certain guilds, we'll always share those memories. They all came to a conclusion due to one thing or another, after all. But the great thing about the future is that, literally, you can do anything you want! There are so many new concepts for you to explore, and new lore to associate yourself with, new continents to discover and new nicknacks to explore. Whilst I'll miss the old days, I also look forward to new days.
Thundercable: Would you tell us one of your favorite stories you have RPed? A short version of it?
Candy: Oh, gosh - now that's a hard question! I'd firstly like to make honourable mentions of the Illidari Resurgence - specifically Nalore and Alyn, as well as The Last Sandcog Empire - sand gnomes galore, and all the time I've spent over the years with Beitiris (if that's what they're calling themselves nowadays!) and Gylith on our many, many characters and concepts.
My favourite story I've roleplayed though, either goes to when I was running the Kajaro Trading Company on my goblin Schnaps, or the days of Dirt - the provincial roleplay initiative I hosted in Moonbrook, Westfall. They're my favourites because, often the roleplay was spontaneous and real. In both cases we got up to such antics. I think they were especially entertaining due to the fact that those involved acknowledged that all actions have re-actions/consequences.
Shout out to all the wild times I had on Schnaps with Gearfist IBS, likewise. Bamboozling you with my trick GHI items will always be a fond memory!
Thundercable: Could you maybe give us some insight, what it means to run a Trading Company in RP form?

Thundercable: Maybe we stay on the topic of addons for a moment. What role do addons play for RP from your perspective?
Candy: Hmm ... I'd say they were a useful luxury; not a necessity by any means. They add a new layer of understanding, interest and immersion and for that they're extremely useful, but they have their downsides likewise - such as attracting metagamers. I can certainly understand as to why a person wouldn't want them, and as to why they would. Personally, I love having them, but I'd never treat someone differently for not. Each to their own!
Thundercable: Back to the topic of looking into the future. What are upcoming events, stories or guilds you look forward to?
Candy: As said previously, I'll be popping off for another break in a couple of days, so it's hard to say whether or not what I'm interested in now will still interest me at Christmas, for example. But, going off with what I'm inspired to try at the moment, I'm really wanting to play a tattoo artist again, or perhaps a criminal. That whole scene really excites me - always has. I'd perhaps like to try a pirate or explorer, too.
Thundercable: Do you have any stories in your head you want to create yourself?
Candy: I think over the Christmas break I'll certainly be making a story line for others to opt-in. Just a three week thing, for example, with a definite end. As to what the concept will be about and involve, I'm unsure. I have a few ideas, but I'm going to keep them to myself just for now.
Thundercable: Playing WoW I very often run into guys playing girls (including myself). What do you think is a reason why people play opposite gender characters?
Candy: I think most men, (and women) have an interest, at least to some extent, about what being the other gender (or neither) would be like. Many of us, including myself, don't have an interest strong enough to cause us to do something such as cross-dressing in real life. Instead, we do it on a platform such as WoW. I made a thread asking the Argent Dawn's opinions as to why many play, and role play, the opposite gender many months ago and many had the same opinion. It's a new experience.
As an actor myself, I'd never be cast for a woman in real life. It wouldn't make sense. In WoW, I get to play those roles without physical restriction - but it's worthwhile to note I also play men on the game. My concepts aren't decided as a result of the gender.
On WoW, we're like an author. In novels, you like to see more than one gender - right? Well, in a way, my role playing experience is a book of sorts. Playing the same gender all the time in such a vibrant world where anything's possible and playable – it's boring to me; it just doesn't excite me.
People don't seem to mind either, and I think that's wonderful. Why should they? I've read stories about transgender folk in real life joining WoW as a way of coming to terms with who they are and what they want to be, and I think that's great - that a game can have such an impact on someone.
That isn't to say that everyone playing the opposite gender is coming to terms with their real life gender, however. Like I said, for some, such as myself, it's just a new experience - one which we perhaps wouldn't feel comfortable with or be interested in trying in real life.
Thundercable: If you could change the game or add something to it to improve RP what would that be?
Candy: For the sake of RP? I'd let the vast majority of races - such as Vrykul, Arakkoa, the Ethereals - even Dragons - be playable. Sure, it could create some problems especially in major hubs such as Stormwind, but with responsible players and serious role players, it could only be for the best, opening plethoras of doors which game mechanics would otherwise keep locked away.
The brave few have tried, of course, but this would just make it a lot easier. And consequently, one can hope the world would be a much fuller and widely-used place ...
Thundercable: Three short questions: What's your favorite place to be in WoW, what's your favorite tavern and who is your favorite NPC?

2) Does this - Bizmo's Brawlpub - count as a tavern? Because if so, it's undoubtedly here and I think you can see why!
3) Tough question! The "Adele" who rolls in the Deep in Pandaria always amuses me, but I think my favorite is, at least from a lore perspective, probably Sylvanas Windrunner ...
Actually, I scratch that entirely! Queen Azshara is my favorite! I love everything about her and can't wait till we get to see her in all her tentacle glory.
Thundercable: Thank you so much for this interview. I hope you did enjoy it half as much as I did at least. I'm really looking forward to see your plots and stories in the future.
Candy: I loved it! It's been a trip down memory lane and extremely entertaining. I look forward reading the rest of your interviews likewise - please keep doing them! And thank you! It's been an honour being interviewed :)
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