Fuse: Hello Erebus. I'll start by asking in as simple words as possible to give us a little information on what your guild is about?

Fuse: So you're essentially Scarlets that work for the Dark Lady (Sylvanas)?
Erebus: Pretty much, though our order never admits to people they are the Scarlets they've taken a new name now and while they do serve Sylvanas they see themselves having a higher purpose of being the army of the Forgotten Shadow of fighting a holy war. The order see the Dark Lady as a saint, an agent of the Shadow's will.
Fuse: Sounds interesting, could you tell me a bit about how you go around doing this through events with your members or possibly other guilds? How does the Crimson Shadow Order begin to go about it's mission.
Erebus: The first is through sermons and converting fellow Forsaken to what the order believes is the "True path to Ascension" and the "true virtues." There's many different schools of thought on the Forgotten Shadow and no two priests agree on what's right, so.
The Crimson are trying to bring the Forsaken onto what they consider the right path, we're often seen in Brill preaching and arguing with other faithful.
We have a lot of private rituals for the guild, religious ceremonies conducted in secret to venerate the shadow.
We've also been going off into the world, taking the fight to agents of the Light either in DM'd events such as our attack on the cathedral in Gilneas. Or in RP-PvP like our event with the Rotgarde fighting Undaunted Unity in Durnholde.
Fuse: Let's go back to those Sermons could you possibly give me an example of a section of what you might say during it?
Erebus: "Borthers and sisters of the Shadow, remember always the lessons and the gifts the shadow has bestowed upon us, abandon the notions of Compassion, let there be no mercy in your Shadow Essence, for to do so is to fly in virtue of Power and Death. Remember always that the living would see us undone, they hate us, scorn us for we are strong they are weak, we shall Ascend when they can not, they cower, they hide, they suckle upon the festering milk of the Light and the shackles it bestows."
Fuse: Nice. Could you tell me a bit now how the Crimson Shadow Order interact with other religious Forgotten Shadow representatives as you stated there's sometimes disagreements if I'm correct?
Erebus: That's correct, that's partly why I wanted to get involved in Shadow RP I loved the lore surrounding the differing cult. For the most path we get on with other faithful. A lot of our disagreements come down to the wording of our faith rather than the actual spirit of the faith if that makes sense?
For instance there are three core virtues, Respect, Tenacity and Power there are then two lesser virtues Compassion and Death and it differs from cult to cult about what are virtures are not beyond the core three. Most Shadow RPers just RP that all five virtues are valid, which is fine that's one way to interpret the teachings icly. But our Order forsakes the virtue of Compassion, they say it's a corrupting and damaging influence.
For the most part when we argue with other faith, when it comes down to it what other orders see as Compassion our order sees as Respect. Our orders are able to agree to disagree upon the wording and go our merry way.
There is another guild however The Ravensun that practice Compassion to such a degree they allow others races into their cult, our order can't stand that so there's always tension between our orders. There's been at least one trial of combat between our two orders thus far, people speculate there may be more in the future. Who knows? it's exciting to see it play out.
Fuse: I see you've acquired rivalry and partnership with differentiating guilds. Let's speak about the partnership, you spoke about doing RP-PvP with the Rotgarde? how does work there.
Erebus: Between us and the Rotgade or between us and the Alliance?
Fuse: Between yourselves and the Rotgarde.
Erebus: ICly there's a pretty good relationship between ourselves and the Rotgarde, they've brought us along on missions to lend support in the past so when it came down to us tracking down the undaunted unity in Hillsbrad and we realised we were outmanned. We turned to the Rotgarde for help, who it turns out had been hunting the unity as well. While we're not the best of friends there's a level of respect between our orders icly, that may not be completely comfortable with the fact we look like Scarlets but they know we're loyal to the Forsaken people and will do what needs to be done. And of course our order respects them for their military might. Also the Rotgarde have always been really good to us OOCly, they're a great lot and I can't say enough good things about them.
Fuse: Excellent. Let's go to your guilds thoughts on the Alliance and light users.
Erebus: We love them, especially in white mushroom sauce with a glass of red wine.
Fuse: Sounds delicious.
Erebus: The alliance are bad enough for our order, those were scarlets before raised as Forsaken feel abandoned by the Alliance and in death they remember that resentment. They hate them because the Dark Lady is at war with them, and they hate them because they're living.
As for users of the Light, they represent everything the shadow stands against. They see it as a corrupting force, one that enslaves people that makes everyone weaker as a whole. Our order wants nothing more then to wipe the Light from the face of Azeroth, this is also our order's ultimate goal to usher in an age that Erebus saw in a "vision" called the age of shadow.
Fuse: This all great insight into your interaction and views with certain areas, how about we go onto the next question what inspired you to create this guild or who?
Erebus: The Scarlet Cursade actually back in MoP I was running another guild ally side and we ran through the new Crusadae dungeons together, it sort of work up this dormant love I had for Scarlet RP, it brought me back to a guild I used to RP with on my old server. The Scarlet missionary and I wanted to find a way to bring back Scarlet RP. I mean at the time there were lots of Scarlet Guilds allaince side but I always felt the whole "We survived the Forsaken and Voss and are now seeking redemption." line was a bit.... tired and weak?
It's about that time I happened to stumble upon the cult of the Forgotten shadows lore and the entire thing just seemed to click, to me the real core of the Crusade wasn't the Light persay. It was about the corruption, the power and the zealotry, the Forgotten Shadow seemed to work best in that favour, it looked to me like something that would work with the Crusade. So I can up with the idea of Forsaken who were cursaders trying to rebuild the order in that direction.
Fuse: You found an excellent way to do so, is there any last things you wish to add about your guild?
Erebus: Only that we're always looking for more poeple to join us and we're looking for more guilds to interact with horde side and alliance.
Fuse: Would you like to finish off with thanking any players or guilds that have assisted you so far?
Erebus: Yeah I really want to thank Perroy and the Rotgarde when we started working on this guild we didn't know anything about the landscape horde side (We're all originally ally players) and they approached us through a mutual friend and were super friendly along with being helpful.
I want to thank the Hand of Agony for inviting us to their larger events like the harvest it was a good way to meet old and new forsaken roleplayers. I want to thank the Ravensun for being such great heretics, also they invited us to a sermon which introducted us to all the forsaken roleplayers in Brill. The Undaunted Unity and the Gilnean Royal Guild for the RP-PvP.
Fuse: Thank you for allowing me to interview you, I wish you luck in your guild and hope this gives a little more insight towards other players that are still unsure about it!
Erebus: Thank you for the interview, I really enjoyed it, I look forward to reading your future ones with other guilds.
Guild: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15161253285#1
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