Today we bring you a interview with Vidya, who we met at one of the most beautiful spots in all of WoD. Enjoy!

Would you reveal to us your home country and your IRL gender?
Vidya: Finland and male.
Firewire: Is there a story behind your character's name?
Vidya: Only a tiny one. When I picked it, I just thought that it sounds nice and fits for a Draenei, only to find out later about the "Vidya: gaems"-saying.
Firewire: From the company Nvidia?
Vidya: No, that saying is used on places like 4chan I hear. But I've been called Nvidia too because of the name.
Firewire: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your history with WoW. When did you start playing the game, how did you get into RP, do you play other RP games (maybe IRL as well)?
Vidya: Well, I started playing at the end of The Burning Crusade, just before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. Started a Human Paladin on the server Hellfire. Later I moved to Burning Legion and played my Worgen DK from Cataclysm to Pandaria.
During MoP I became interested in role playing, so I started to check out things and eventually during patch 5.2 I created this Draenei shaman on AD. I had been stalking the forums in hopes of finding a nice guild that would accept beginner role players.
Eventually, I found and joined the Fallen Leaf! With them I had my first proper RP experiences. As for other RP games, I do sometimes play Star Wars: The Old Republic, but that's about that. I do play plenty of other non-RP games though.
Firewire: How did you get in the guild you are in at the moment?
Vidya: This one is just a vanity tag I made for myself to get a bit of extra bank space and that neat <Earthen Ring>-tag under my name. Though I am contemplating of leaving this guild to my alt and finding a proper role playing guild.
Firewire: Do you have a certain guild in mind you are looking for?
Vidya: Not yet. I'm trying to find a guild that is fairly active and travels a lot but also is not a military guild. Alas, there aren't many active guilds like that on AD. At least not on the Alliance side.
Firewire: How do you think about the RP scene on AD?
What are your RP community highlights. Your favorite RP events, guilds or community members?
Vidya: It's okay. There's RP to be found almost any time of the day. I feel that it's too concentrated on a few RP hotspots though. I wish people would RP more out in the world instead of big cities or villages. Oh, and so few people RPing in the relevant areas.

Vidya: Draenor would be the one for WoD and people barely RP there. It wasn't much better in Pandaria until the Siege of Orgrimamar. I've participated in a few different RP campaigns and I have to say that the Wings of Twilight campaign is easily my favorite. I also like smaller public events like Acrona's shipwreck event.
Firewire: Could you give us a little insight into these events. What made them so special?
Vidya: Both of the ones I mentioned brought together a wide variety of different characters, creating lots of quite interesting RP situations. I also met lots of new people and in both events my character got new friends.
It was also interesting to see how different characters interacted with each other. For example, during the shipwreck the survivors split quite early into two camps. One contained mostly humans while the other had a more wide variety of races.
Firewire: Is there a RP event coming up you are looking forward to at the moment?
Vidya: There is the Blooming campaign but I haven't looked much into it. It seems interesting though and I might sign up for it if it is still possible.
Firewire: Right. Do you have any ideas what to change or to add to the game mechanics from WoW to improve RP?
Vidya: Cross-faction communication, definitely. It really needs to be added to the game already. I think that would improve the RP greatly. Also, it would be cool if transformation toys did not haven cooldowns. The tents added in Warlords are nice, but unnecessarily clunky to use. They should be placeable like the campfire, last longer and not have that 5 tent cap.
Firewire: Three short questions: What is your favorite place to be in WoW? What is your favorite tavern and who is your favorite NPC?

Vidya: My favorite place has to be Azuremyst Isle. I really like the calm and peaceful feeling of that place and it brings back old memories as it has not been updated since TBC. My favorite taverns are the dwarven ones, like in Kharanos. They're so cozy.
I don't really have any NPC that's my definite favorite over others but I quite like the new Exarch Maladaar. He's an interesting character and I wish we'd see more of him in Warlords.
Firewire: Is there anything else you want to add or share with the community?
Vidya: More RP in the wilds!
Firewire: Thank you so much for the interview and your time.
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