Firewire: Thank you for taking your time and for giving me an interview. I
brought 4 topics with me today, i want to ask you about. Questions
about your person, about the AD - RP Community, about role play game
mechanics in WoW and about some of your Favorite things in WoW.
Could you maybe introduce yourself a little? Tell me about how
long you are playing WoW, why you play on AD, how and when you
started doing role play, what other RP games you play and all that
good stuff.
Fuse: I've been playing for 6 or 7 years now since the release of
wrath of the lich king. I didn't start playing on AD, i started on a
server called Azjol-Nerub learning the ropes to and all. During
cataclysm was the time I moved over here to AD. Even then I didn't
Rp, I was more so into PVP then anything else. Still am so to say. I
started role playing near towards the end of cata and beginning of
Mop. role play was all new to me to be honest with you. I started
with Gearfist properly and taught me most of what I know or well
basics and the rest I learned myself. I learned that I have a love
for creating concepts, community events and all sorts. Role play
started and remains with WoW for me. I've not role played on any
other game but wouldn't be against trying it.
Firewire: You told me that you are streaming WoW. Do you stream RP
Fuse: RP events no, but I may do so in the future. I'm
planning to stream each Saturday/Sunday to come together with people
of the community talk about/promote guilds, events and the overall
game. It's an OOC sort of radio for Argent Dawn EU. Guest will be
coming in now and then too, to add more flavor to it! It should be
starting soon enough
Firewire: How do you think about the Horde RP scene on AD? Or the
RP scene on AD in general? What are your RP - commnutiy highlights?
F.e.: Your favorite RP events, guilds or community members?
Fuse: I love Horde RP even though it's more guild orientated
granted. I still feel like I can get along with almost anyone and fit
in anywhere if I wish, they always provide for a fun filled
atmosphere. I can't say much for Alliance since it's not something
I've dabbled much into but the overall role playing community... well
it's great for everyone, you've got the freedom to create characters,
guilds, stories for everyone to participate into. I think the best
highlights fore me is seeing a community sometimes both alliance and
horde or even just horde gather around for big events like my own
with Fight Night. There's a variety of people representing the realm
in one way or another, the ones I do know and am familiar of tend to
create for the beast moments for role play. That's not to say others
don't but these are people I know of.
Firewire: Could you tell me more about the Fight Night you
Fuse: Fight Night was the first community event I made up about 2
years ago now I think. It puts two things the game has to offer
together that and a few others enjoy rp-pvp. People sign up to duel
one another competing for the prize. It keeps going until there's two
left and the winner of that wins the gold. Others spectate, there's
merchants and other things to keep people entertained when not
Firewire: Are there still Fight Nights nowadays?
Fuse: I've made three so far. I'll be planning for more in the
future. It's not stopping just yet.
Firewire: Can you tell me a little bit about the lore and
activities of your present guild/guilds?

Firewire: What game changes would you like to see from Blizzard to
improve the role playing in WoW?
Fuse: Currently? Cross faction communication. I would love to have
that added as it'll open up more endless possibilities for massive
events in the future.
Firewire: Three short questions to round up the interview:
What is your favorite Tavern?
Fuse: Tavern in Ratchet or Booty Bay. I tend to prefer taverns in
goblin villages/cities. Maybe the Speedbarge in Thousand Needles.
Firewire: What is your favorite arena in WoW?
Fuse: Nagrand arena or Dalaran sewers.
Firewire: Who is your favorite NPC in WoW?
Fuse: Gazlowe.
Firewire: Thank you so much for this awesome interview.
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