Today we bring you a interview with Tirsah who got some really exciting things to share. Enjoy!
Thundercable: My first question would be: would you tell us the country where you are from IRL?
Tirsah: I'm from the Netherlands. That silly country known for its legalized weed, if nothing else.
Thundercable: Next thing I'd like to know is if there is a story/thought process behind your character's name?
Tirsah: Not an exact story maybe but I went looking for names that weren't used all that commonly. Tirzah is a figure from the bible apparently, as well as a city. I found it a pretty name. Sometimes you don't need much more than that to choose.
Thundercable: Could you tell me a bit more about yourself. How long have you been playing WoW? How did you start role playing and do you role play outside of WoW too?
Tirsah: I find it hard to say precisely, but I know I played the game for the first time sometime during TBC, and I am eighteen right now. My brother got me into it and I played mostly casually, since I didn't understand English at all and didn't actually get the game at all, or what its point was. I just played to pass time. I started role playing on Shattrath EU, in Goldshire, as embarassing as that may be to admit. But I was young and clueless, and that was the only RP I ever came across. I think that started during WotLK. I didn't get a max level character until Cataclysm however. I'm actually really curious about cosplaying and LARP, but I've never actually gotten into it.
Thundercable: So you started role playing back in WotLK. Could you tell me a bit about the lore of Tirsah?
Tirsah: Tirsah is a bit boring, I'll admit. She's just a simple farmer's daughter gone rebel from Westfall. Didn't want to spend her life taking care of cattle. She bumped into a few others that were signing up for military service, and as dumb and young as she was, she joined in. Chaos ensued, escaping death by a hair now and then, and generally really regretting putting herself on the frontlines without a spot of training in any way. "Tirzah Nerville" was my character before Tirsah, but sadly that character died. Simply put Nerville was a woman with a Scarlet Crusade history who turned mercenary. A bit sad to have lost that character, but eh, it happens.
Thundercable: How do you think about the RP scene on AD?
Tirsah: A bit melodramatic, at times. That is, the Alliance side of things. Too many power struggles, a lot of politics and generally a lot of nonsense I can't wrap my head around. But at the same time, I've met some of my closest friends on this server who I've held dear for over three years now. Hell, I met my current boyfriend on here. We just celebrated our fourth anniversary.
Thundercable: What are your RP community highlights? Be it events, guilds or members.
Tirsah: Well, the guild I'm in usually makes up like half of the RP I get, and that includes events, but I had a spontaneous event just this morning because another member felt bored. So I guess it's a mix of things. It boils down to the people you RP with, I guess.
Thundercable: What really goes through my mind right now: How do two people meet in WoW and come together?
Tirsah: Oof. Dangerous question. That's a -long- story. Well, to dumb
it down, our characters met IC, I joined the guild he was in, because
he was basically the first person to talk to my character and I wanted
to make friends; This was somewhere in August 2010, I believe. We role
played together for about two to three years and it ended up becoming
the romantic kind of RP. I'll spare the details, because it was a bumpy
ride, but I admitted to thinking I loved him somewhere in 2012. He was
reluctant at first, because he's Swedish, and I'm Dutch, and he's a few
years older, but yeah. Here we are. I went to meet him and things
escalated. He intents to visit again this Christmas. It sounds
otherworldly to a lot of people, but it went how it went.
Thundercable: Thank you for sharing that story. It is really nice that a video game can connect people in such a way.
Tirsah: I personally still think we're both just insane, but yeah, I'm happy.
Thundercable: Could you name community members you look up to here on AD?
Tirsah: To be honest, I've been gone from the game for about half a year because I got a tad bored with the game, so I'm not up-to-date, but I admired Jack Solomon, the former guild leader of The Royal Pathfinders on Alliance side; A close friend of mine, as well.
He led the guild brilliantly until the very end and didn't turn into a jackass when his guild became more successful. A rare trait, if you ask me.
Thundercable: Is there a favorite story of yours that you encountered here on AD playing RP?
Tirsah: That's difficult to say from like six or-... eight years of role playing. I didn't keep track how long exactly. But, on my former main, a warlock, I got caught up in a sort of cult guild that I -really- enjoyed. its storyline was great and even a year after the guild had vanished due to paladin orders and such banishing them, it came back to bother the character and it had a lasting effect on her. I'm afraid I don't remember specifics though.
Thundercable: If you could change the game in a certain way or add a feature to WoW. What would that be?
Tirsah: PvE/PvP wise, I'd change the way the Shipyard and Garrison work, because they're actually really boring to grind. RP-wise, I hope one day the /ignore button will make the person itself vanish as well. So you don't have to endure being assaulted by a massive proto-drake while you're RPing. Or something.
Thundercable: A few short questions to round up the interview: What is your most favorite place in WoW?
Tirsah: Hyjal. As a Cataclysm zone it was absolutely beautiful, the music is stunning and the lore there is amazing as well.

Thundercable: What is your favorite tavern?
Tirsah: This one, actually (Booty Bay tavern). It's original and I like the atmosphere music-wise, though, the Tauren tavern, for sure.
Thundercable: Who is your favorite NPC?
Tirsah: Sylvanas, definitely. Typical maybe, but that lady is badass. And I have a weakness for her history.
Thundercable: Who would you want us to interview next and what question would you like to see answered by that person?
Tirsah: Hrmmmn, I don't really have anyone in particular in mind. Maybe Mercy Felian, from my guild. She has the reputation of being a !@#$%, but since I got to know her OOC she is actually really awesome. As for a question though, I don't know.
Thundercable: I thank you so much for this interview. Thanks for sharing your personal stories as well.
This interview was done by Firewire and proofread by Gizmonoria

Tirsah: I'm from the Netherlands. That silly country known for its legalized weed, if nothing else.
Thundercable: Next thing I'd like to know is if there is a story/thought process behind your character's name?
Tirsah: Not an exact story maybe but I went looking for names that weren't used all that commonly. Tirzah is a figure from the bible apparently, as well as a city. I found it a pretty name. Sometimes you don't need much more than that to choose.
Thundercable: Could you tell me a bit more about yourself. How long have you been playing WoW? How did you start role playing and do you role play outside of WoW too?
Tirsah: I find it hard to say precisely, but I know I played the game for the first time sometime during TBC, and I am eighteen right now. My brother got me into it and I played mostly casually, since I didn't understand English at all and didn't actually get the game at all, or what its point was. I just played to pass time. I started role playing on Shattrath EU, in Goldshire, as embarassing as that may be to admit. But I was young and clueless, and that was the only RP I ever came across. I think that started during WotLK. I didn't get a max level character until Cataclysm however. I'm actually really curious about cosplaying and LARP, but I've never actually gotten into it.
Thundercable: So you started role playing back in WotLK. Could you tell me a bit about the lore of Tirsah?
Tirsah: Tirsah is a bit boring, I'll admit. She's just a simple farmer's daughter gone rebel from Westfall. Didn't want to spend her life taking care of cattle. She bumped into a few others that were signing up for military service, and as dumb and young as she was, she joined in. Chaos ensued, escaping death by a hair now and then, and generally really regretting putting herself on the frontlines without a spot of training in any way. "Tirzah Nerville" was my character before Tirsah, but sadly that character died. Simply put Nerville was a woman with a Scarlet Crusade history who turned mercenary. A bit sad to have lost that character, but eh, it happens.
Thundercable: How do you think about the RP scene on AD?
Tirsah: A bit melodramatic, at times. That is, the Alliance side of things. Too many power struggles, a lot of politics and generally a lot of nonsense I can't wrap my head around. But at the same time, I've met some of my closest friends on this server who I've held dear for over three years now. Hell, I met my current boyfriend on here. We just celebrated our fourth anniversary.
Thundercable: What are your RP community highlights? Be it events, guilds or members.
Tirsah: Well, the guild I'm in usually makes up like half of the RP I get, and that includes events, but I had a spontaneous event just this morning because another member felt bored. So I guess it's a mix of things. It boils down to the people you RP with, I guess.
Thundercable: What really goes through my mind right now: How do two people meet in WoW and come together?

Thundercable: Thank you for sharing that story. It is really nice that a video game can connect people in such a way.
Tirsah: I personally still think we're both just insane, but yeah, I'm happy.
Thundercable: Could you name community members you look up to here on AD?
Tirsah: To be honest, I've been gone from the game for about half a year because I got a tad bored with the game, so I'm not up-to-date, but I admired Jack Solomon, the former guild leader of The Royal Pathfinders on Alliance side; A close friend of mine, as well.
He led the guild brilliantly until the very end and didn't turn into a jackass when his guild became more successful. A rare trait, if you ask me.
Thundercable: Is there a favorite story of yours that you encountered here on AD playing RP?
Tirsah: That's difficult to say from like six or-... eight years of role playing. I didn't keep track how long exactly. But, on my former main, a warlock, I got caught up in a sort of cult guild that I -really- enjoyed. its storyline was great and even a year after the guild had vanished due to paladin orders and such banishing them, it came back to bother the character and it had a lasting effect on her. I'm afraid I don't remember specifics though.
Thundercable: If you could change the game in a certain way or add a feature to WoW. What would that be?
Tirsah: PvE/PvP wise, I'd change the way the Shipyard and Garrison work, because they're actually really boring to grind. RP-wise, I hope one day the /ignore button will make the person itself vanish as well. So you don't have to endure being assaulted by a massive proto-drake while you're RPing. Or something.
Thundercable: A few short questions to round up the interview: What is your most favorite place in WoW?
Tirsah: Hyjal. As a Cataclysm zone it was absolutely beautiful, the music is stunning and the lore there is amazing as well.

Thundercable: What is your favorite tavern?
Tirsah: This one, actually (Booty Bay tavern). It's original and I like the atmosphere music-wise, though, the Tauren tavern, for sure.
Thundercable: Who is your favorite NPC?
Tirsah: Sylvanas, definitely. Typical maybe, but that lady is badass. And I have a weakness for her history.
Thundercable: Who would you want us to interview next and what question would you like to see answered by that person?
Tirsah: Hrmmmn, I don't really have anyone in particular in mind. Maybe Mercy Felian, from my guild. She has the reputation of being a !@#$%, but since I got to know her OOC she is actually really awesome. As for a question though, I don't know.
Thundercable: I thank you so much for this interview. Thanks for sharing your personal stories as well.
This interview was done by Firewire and proofread by Gizmonoria
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