Friday, 25 September 2015

Interview: Flamecog #11

Today we bring you the first interview of Magnet who interviewed Flamecog. Enjoy!

Magnet: Thank you for taking the time to sit down and have a chat with me. Firstly, mind telling me a bit about yourself? How long have you been playing WoW, how did you start role-play, etc.

Flamecog: Hello, thank you for having me! I started playing WoW early Cata when my brother introduced it to me. I began RPing a few months before Mists of Pandaria on an undead hunter.

Magnet: Did you start off on Argent Dawn, or did you begin with PvE/PvP?

Flamecog: I started off on Grim Batol, a PvP server. But I never got to cap, I changed server to Argent Dawn before I got to 85. My brother taught me how to do a basic emote on Horde. I found a guild called the Reavers of Wolfbane and joined that, I was incredibly new to RP but somehow got accepted. I learned RP through that guild.

That was you then, what about now? What made you become Slozi Shadeshank, or Phineas Flamecog?
Flamecog: Well, I became an officer in that guild before leaving it. Then I went around a few guilds, a few different characters and such. I feel my RP was only good when I started to RP Slozi, and then I made Flamecog. My experience was molded by the people who RPed with those two characters.
Magnet: Anyone in particular you'd like to give a shout out?

Flamecog: Hmm. Nimsil, Magnet, some of the GTA members perhaps
- like Flinkz and the officers. Razkul too, he led the Wolfbane!
Magnet: Great. So, how do you feel about Argent Dawn now? What do you think about the Horde RP scene on AD? Or the RP scene on AD in general?

Flamecog: The RP scene is good and bad in my opinion. I find the common Orgrimmar or Stormwind RP to be boring a lot of the time, and some things that can be seen as exotic are turned down quite a bit. But there are a number of great people out in the world. I recently joined The Unsworn Collective, which is a good example of this.

Magnet: Things that can be exotic? Can you give any examples?

Flamecog: Characters who are not exactly like the rest of their race. Or things like enhancing age with magic, and generally having a big history.

Magnet: You're known (or were) as an overseer of the GTA. What is the GTA? How did it begin? And, just recently, how/why did it end?
Flamecog: The GTA is a group of gnomish military men who defended their local area of all threats. I joined half way through, but it was made by Flinkz. It ended because of the lack of activity and the fact that people lost interest somewhat. So instead of letting it drag out we decided to end it. It was a hard choice, but a good one.

Magnet: Also, what has been your most memorable community event/campaign?

Flamecog: My most memorable one? That is quite hard. Most likely the most recent one that was held in Vash'jir about Naga.

Magnet: What game changes would you like to see from Blizzard to improve the role-playing in WoW?

Flamecog: Cross-faction communication is a large thing that many role-players would like to see. It would help in campaign RP for sure, and provide more interesting RP. Who wouldn't want contacts in Orgrimmar?

Magnet: Lastly, who's your favourite NPC in WoW?

Flamecog: A very hard question! I really like warlocks and mages in lore, so many characters stick out to me. If I had to say one though, I'd go for Medivh or Kanrethad Ebonlocke. Most likely Medivh.

Magnet: Thanks for the interview!

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