1. If i understood you right, you are the founding father of Gearfist IBS correct?
I am one of the three. Gearfist IBS was meant to have three leaders - one per division. Hence the IBS - Intelligence Battalion and Supplies.
Tell me a little bit about the founding days of Gearfist IBS? How did that project came to life?
Before Gearfist IBS there weren't many Goblin RPers. There was a main guild: Blackwealth PMC. They acted like an IC gang or something like it. Unfortunately some of the IC "harassment" went OOC and people felt unconfortable by RPing a goblin that would be beaten and smuggled all day long. And, if ya wouldn't accept that, OOC arguments would start.
Gearfist IBS was founded to be the oposite. A place where people would feel welcome. Where they could learn RP without being judged. At the end of the day, made Goblin RP flourish.
What was/is the background story of the guild?
Gearfist IBS is meant to be a semi-independent corporation. It fights for the Horde, because that is the contract to "rent" the north section of the Valley of Honor. The rent is paid by providing free gear for the Grunts, building of siege weapons and by salvaging the battlefield, before other factions do it (ex: Alliance). Gearfist IBS takes the salvaged stuff from battlefields, pillaged villages and "found items". It sells the good stuff, repairs the broken and smelts the bad.
By working with "garbage", it can easily bring "found items" (stolen) to the market again. Its basically a legit facade, for criminal activity. Dodging taxes as it can.
Whats the story about the guild having 3 founding fathers? How did that came to be?
Nimsil was intended to be head of Intel - specially because most see him as trader. Lailar - former Blackwealth worked as a spy for Nimsil. She proposed him to start a guild where she would be the "official leader". While handling Battalion. Nims would lead Intel. And other guy (who left on 2nd day of guild creation) was handling the Supply division.
How did the goblin rp developed since than
Whats the situation now?
With the end of OOC drama and an active guild, goblins started to pop up frequently. It begun with alts from other guilds (the race was quite new in Cataclysm). With time they were converted to main - but it has allways been a race of alts. Id say +90%.

Today, Gearfist IBS is alive - never been trully off since 2011. And it is getting very active. We are holding GM elections this week. So the future is bright.
What has been your favorite story/event within Gearfist IBS until now?
Tsk. Events? We have so many! LOlol. Our record (if I recall) is seven events in a day, started in a morning and ended... well in another morning. LOlol! But above all, my favorite thing is to see that we managed to teach RP to someone. That we contributed to the server quality.
Ah! Well, the Quickcoin's 11, 12 and 13. Clearly a reference to Ocean's triology. Three events at which we robbed: gambling tournament, goblin mafia bank and... I think we also robbed ourselves for insurance money - something between those lines.
How does someone do a gambling tournament within WoW?
Well - was before Hearthstone so we had no real games. It was done with rolls. I can't remember with precision. But it was something like: Each player emoted taking a card then /random. Then stay in or go out like a poker game. At the end, each player sums his rolls. The one with higher, wins.
You told me about a project similar to Booty Bay Free Press back in the days.

- they wrote one article each and we would compile them into an IC magazine. Unfortunately it lacked illustration... and people are lazy! LOlol! So it only sold a couple of copies. But had a small loyal group of buyers. I'm still interested in doing it, tho. *wink wink*
So you guys did IC interviews? What did you ask the citizens of Argent Dawn? Also was it Horde Only?
Horde only. Yes. It had less of an inpact on my RP than other projects. But it was compleetly IC. Nimsil didn't do the questions. He just organized the people. I've been the chanel to many RP projects yannow? I introduce A to B and we form a group. Then C comes with an idea and I know D. And I join them too. Yada yada yada.
Did the game change for the better for RP over the years in your opinion?
Yeah! Addons help a lot. GHI? MRP? Tsh! Can't live without them. They add A LOT!!! RP is preety much alive and kicking.
Is there anything else you want to add? Any shout outs?
Yes. I would like to take this oportunity to shout for more interaction and less judging of new RPers.
AD is a great server. It stands as the bastion of RP in europe. Our lack of interaction with eachother - will be the downfall of RP. If we close ourserlves. if we choose not to give "noobs" a chance to learn RP. The server will die. Don't like the RP current quality? Do something about it. Teach RP. Teach =/= judge.
Gearfist IBS has new RPers. Allways had. And if depends on me? Allways will. It bothers me not what "elithists" think of our guild. Because my friends are making friends here. They are building a family. They learn RP. AND we are helping the server as a whole.
Do the same.
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